Source code for pathway_forte.pathway_enrichment.over_representation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains the functions to run Over Representation Analysis (ORA)."""

import logging
from typing import Mapping, Set

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests

from pathway_forte.constants import FC_COLUMNS, GENE_SYMBOL, P_VALUE

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def read_fold_change_df(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read csv with gene names, fold changes and their p-values.""" df = pd.read_csv(path) # Check all columns are present missing_columns = [ column for column in FC_COLUMNS if column not in df ] if missing_columns: raise ValueError(f'Missing columns {", ".join(missing_columns)} in {path}') return df
[docs]def filter_p_value(df: pd.DataFrame, p_value: bool = True, cutoff: float = 0.05): """Return significantly differentially expressed genes in fold change df.""" # Apply p_value threshold too if p_value: query_exp = f'{P_VALUE} <= {cutoff}' df = df.query(query_exp) return set(df[GENE_SYMBOL])
def _prepare_hypergeometric_test( query_gene_set: Set[str], pathway_gene_set: Set[str], gene_universe: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """Prepare the matrix for hypergeometric test calculations. :param query_gene_set: gene set to test against pathway :param pathway_gene_set: pathway gene set :param gene_universe: number of HGNC symbols :return: 2x2 matrix """ # Cast lists to sets if not isinstance(query_gene_set, set): query_gene_set = set(query_gene_set) if not isinstance(pathway_gene_set, set): pathway_gene_set = set(pathway_gene_set) # Return matrix to test hyper-geometric test return np.array([ [ len(query_gene_set.intersection(pathway_gene_set)), len(query_gene_set.difference(pathway_gene_set)), ], [ len(pathway_gene_set.difference(query_gene_set)), gene_universe - len(pathway_gene_set.union(query_gene_set)), ], ])
[docs]def perform_hypergeometric_test( genes_to_test: Set[str], pathway_dict: Mapping[str, Set[str]], gene_universe: int = 41714, apply_threshold: bool = False, threshold: float = 0.05, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Perform hypergeometric tests. :param genes_to_test: gene set to test against pathway :param pathway_dict: pathway name to gene set :param gene_universe: number of HGNC symbols :param apply_threshold: return only significant pathways :param threshold: significance threshold (by default 0.05) """ rows = [] for (pathway_id, database), pathway_gene_set in pathway_dict.items(): # Prepare the test table to conduct the fisher test test_table = _prepare_hypergeometric_test(genes_to_test, pathway_gene_set, gene_universe) # Calculate fisher test (returns tuple of odds ratio and p_value p_value = fisher_exact(test_table, alternative='greater')[1] rows.append((database, pathway_id, p_value)) df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['database', 'pathway_id', 'pval']) correction_test = multipletests(df.pval, method='fdr_bh') df['qval'] = correction_test[1] if apply_threshold:'Filtering out pathways with q-values > 0.05 according to fdr_bh') df = df[df['qval'] < threshold] return df